What Should You Do If Your Heat Goes Out?

What Should You Do If Your Heat Goes Out?

Heat Goes Out

What Should You Do If Your Heat Goes Out?

It is the middle of winter, and your worst nightmare has come true….your heating system has failed unexpectedly. You thought you could depend on your HVAC system, but now it has left you stranded when you need it most!

Although this is certainly not ideal, it is best to have a plan in place until your heat is back up and running. Instead of being angry with yourself for not scheduling that much-needed heating service appointment months ago, follow these steps.

Perform a basic check

If your heating goes out, this does not automatically mean that your HVAC needs to be repaired. Sometimes, the reason could be because the electricity is out in your home. Perform a basic check around your house (flip a light switch, try and turn on the TV) to see if there is any power. If there is no power, you can call your utility company and notify them of the outage. Also, don’t forget to look at your thermostat to see if it may be out of batteries or simply in the wrong setting.

Schedule your heating repair appointment

This is the first step you would naturally take when you realize that your heating system has failed. After you have made any common-sense fixes, it is best to leave the major repairs and installations to the professionals. At Standard, we know how dreadful it can be to be in a home without heat, even for a short period. This is why we offer 24-hour emergency heating repair services so that our team is available around the clock to service your every need. If you are in the Birmingham area, give us a call!

Block Cold Air

The sooner you do this step, the better! The last thing you want is cold air outside coming into your house. Add temporary insulation by covering all doors and windows with blankets or heavy curtains. With a failed heating system, you want to trap as much heat as possible inside. This means you should also limit the number of times you have to open the doors that lead outside.

Focus on Heating One Room

It is more reasonable to try and keep one room warm rather than the entire house. Try to move everyone in your home into one main room and block the doorways to contain the heat. If you have space heaters or heated blankets, now is the perfect time to plug those in so you can try and stay as warm as possible.

Prepare a Meal

This one may come as a surprise, but cooking a meal is an excellent step to take while you wait for your HVAC to come back to life. The oven is a great way to warm the house when the heat goes out, and it can also help keep everyone in good spirits. Not to mention, there is nothing like a hot bowl of soup or chili to keep your insides warm when it is freezing.

Having your heat go out can make you feel miserable, but there is no need to panic. By taking the steps above, you can feel at ease and back to business as usual before you know it. If you need a professional HVAC contractor in Birmingham, AL to help with your heating, plumbing, or cooling, give Standard a call today at (205) 386-4001.

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